Welcome to the Moderation Portal

The Moderation Portal is an online platform designed to improve efficiency and effectiveness as well as reduce the administrative burden for affiliated Colleges, Moderators, and the ACT Office. It manages the creation and approval of UQAFs, the moderation of scripts as well as the approval process of Academic Staff.


Colleges can create, clone and view UQAFs as well as submit sample scripts for moderated units.


Moderators can review UQAFs and provide a moderation report on units.

Academic Staff

View the register of approved Academic Staff at ACT or request for an Academic Staff to be added to the register.

Moderators Leave 

Relevant policies and procedures

Links to related documents

Moderation Key

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Moderation Portal Features

Clone UQAFs

This functionality significantly expedites the generation of new records, whether for a different AQF level or when re-teaching a UQAF, as all fields will be automatically prefilled based on an existing UQAF.

The parent unit information will be prominently displayed at the top of the form, and any relevant moderation comments will be included if applicable.

To ensure data accuracy, an on-screen validation will be implemented to check if the specified dates are set in the future, thereby preventing potential input errors.

Automation of unit creation

A scheduling job can be creaeted for approved UQAFs (incl. previously approved), which automatically creates scheduled units on Paradigm with their the scheduled assessment methods.


Moderators receive an automated email notification when a new or revised UQAF has submitted for review.

Notes added to a UQAF after its been submitted to a moderator will trigger a notification to the UQAF contact, moderator and the primary contact for a college (if nominated).

SharePoint folder for sample scripts

A SharePoint folder is automatically created for each moderated unit.

Colleges can upload sample scripts to the centralised location for moderators to create a moderation report. 


Permission to access UQAF submissions incl. attachments are limited to each affiliated college and the respective unit moderator.